Response Target Indicators

HackerOne utilizes average metrics and colored indicators to show how your program is doing in meeting healthy success criteria.

Average Response Efficiency Metrics

HackerOne displays a program's average response efficiency metrics on the security page to enable hackers to see how responsive your program is in:

  • giving a first response
  • paying out a bounty
  • resolving a vulnerability

The average times are calculated on a rolling 3 month basis, and you can configure which metrics to display in Program Settings > Program > Metrics Display.


Colored Indicators

A program’s performance against HackerOne's response standards (Time to First Response = 5 business days; Time to Triage = 10 business days) is displayed on its security page and report submission page. This provides additional context to potential hackers when they're looking to submit reports to your program.


Indicator Details

How are the percentages calculated? 

  • The percentage is determined by this calculation: ((1-(# of reports that didn't meet response standards / # of total reports created))* 100)
  • The percentage of reports that meet response standards is based on reports created within the last 90 days. 
  • If a report violated response standards at some point during the last 90 days but is no longer violating the standards, it'll still count towards the # of reports that didn't meet response standards.
  • A single report can violate both the response standards for Time to First Response and Time to Triage but each report can only count once as a report that didn't meet the response standards. 

A colored indicator accompanies the percentage of reports that meet response standards. Below are the indicator types and criteria:

Indicator Type Criteria
Green ≥ 75% of reports meet response standards
Yellow < 75% and ≥ 25% of reports meet response standards
Red < 25% of reports meet response standards