You can easily communicate with hackers by commenting within the report. To add a comment on a report:
Select Add comment from the action picker above the comment box.
Select All participants in the next drop-down of the action picker to ensure the comment is visible to the hacker who filed the report.
Type your message in the comment box.
Select Post comment.
The hacker will get a notification in their HackerOne profile and will also be notified by email if they have notifications for the report enabled. If you want to make sure they get the message no matter their notification settings, you can type @hacker’s username in the comment to address them directly.
Commenting on Multiple Reports
You can add comments to multiple reports simultaneously. To add comments to multiple reports:
Select the reports you want the comments to be applied to in your inbox by selecting the checkbox next to the report titles. A list of the titles of the selected reports populate in the center of the screen above the Comment field.
Select whether you want the comment to go to All participants or to your internal Team only.
Type your comment in the Comment box.
Click the Post comment.
Broadcast Messaging
If you want to reach a larger group of hackers with a one-way announcement, you can use the Message Hackers feature.