With Hacker Reviews, you have the option to send comments on hacker behavior to HackerOne and the hacker after closing a report. The reviews also enable the reviewer to highlight a key behavior which can allow HackerOne to award or assist the hacker accordingly.
When giving a review, you can:
Choose whether to provide a positive or negative rating for the hacker.
Select 1 of 4 preselected areas where the hacker excelled.
Provide feedback to hackers and HackerOne about hacker behavior.
Enable Hacker Reviews
To enable hacker reviews:
Go to Settings > Program > Hackbot
Select Turn on for Review reporter.
How Reviews Work
To give a hacker review:
Close the report and mark as resolved.
Hackbot will prompt you to give the hacker of the report a review. You can choose from:
Yes, it was great!
Could have been better.
No thanks!
You'll fill out these forms if you choose to:
Give a positive review
Give a negative review
Regardless of whether the review is positive or negative, the hacker will receive an email with the contents of the review.
When the review is positive, the reviewer also has the option to leave a public endorsement on the hacker's profile page, which serves as an opportunity to tell the world about just how awesome the hacker is.