Okta SSO Setup via SAML

You can use your Okta credentials to sign in to HackerOne. To set up SSO via SAML for Okta:

  1. Log in to Okta.
  2. Click the Admin button.

okta admin button

  1. Click +Add Application under Shortcuts.

okta shortcuts

  1. Search for the HackerOne application and click Add.

add HackerOne in okta

  1. Select the options you'd like in your General Settings.

okta general settings

  1. Click Next.
  2. Click View Setup Instructions on the Sing-On Options tab to open the "How to Configure SAML 2.0 for HackerOne" page. Keep this page open for setting up SAML for HackerOne in the later steps.

okta saml 2.0

  1. Update the Credentials Details section and click Done.

okta credentials details

  1. Assign the HackerOne application to the people or groups that should have access to the application on the Assignments tab.

assign people/groups

  1. Open HackerOne in a new tab.
  2. Follow the SAML setup instructions here.
    • Copy the Single-Sign On URL and the X.509 Certificate from the “How to Configure SAML 2.0 for HackerOne” page that you accessed in step 7 and paste them in the corresponding fields during setup.