Report Actions

There are several actions you can take on a report in your inbox. You can:

  • Add a comment
  • Close a report
  • Change the state
  • Assign a report
  • Unassign a report
  • Set an award


Add a Comment

You can dialogue with hackers or team members or make notes about the report through adding comments.

To add a comment:

  1. Go to the bottom of the report above the comment box.
  2. Make sure the action picker is set to Add comment.
  3. Select who you would like to make the comment visible to. You can select from these options:
Option Details
Team only Only the members of your program will be able to view the comment.
All participants All participants of the report will be able to view the comment.

Note: When you're adding a comment to your internal team only, the comment box will turn red.


Close a Report

You can close a report to mark that it's either:

  • Resolved
  • Informative
  • Not Applicable
  • Duplicate
  • Spam

To close a report:

  1. Go to the bottom of the report above the comment box.
  2. Select Close report in the action picker.
  3. Select the status of the report in the Select status action picker.
  4. Click Close report.


Note: Reports that have gone through Human-Augmented Signal can be reopened by the hacker if closed

Change the State

You can change the state of a report to be marked as either triaged or new. This'll help you keep track of what state your report is in.

To change the state of a report:

  1. Go to the bottom of the report above the comment box.
  2. Change the action picker from Add comment to Change state from the drop-down.
  3. Select the state of the report. You can choose from:
Option Details
Triaged The report has passed the initial validation and is pending resolution. You can briefly describe the next steps in the comments section such as further investigation, escalation, engineer preparing a fix. *(Optional) When you select triage, you can enter the reference ID to your integration in the Reference ID field.*
New The report is pending triage and validation.
  1. Click Change state.


Assign a Report

You can assign reports to individual members or groups in your program to evaluate and take action on a report.

To assign a report:

  1. Go to the bottom of the report above the comment box.
  2. Change the action picker from Add comment to Assign report from the drop-down.
  3. Enter the username of the assignee or the group.
  4. Click Assign report.

assign report

Unassign a Report

Once a report has been assigned, you can elect to unassign a report.

To unassign a report:

  1. Go to the assigned report in your inbox.
  2. Change the action picker from Add comment to Assign report from the drop-down.
  3. Click Unassign report.

No one will be assigned to the report. You can reassign the report by following the steps in the Assign a Report section.

unassign report

Set an Award

You can mark that you've rewarded a hacker with swag or a monetary amount through setting awards.

To set an award to a hacker for the report:

  1. Go to the bottom of the report above the comment box.
  2. Change the action picker from Add comment to Set award from the drop-down.
  3. Select the type of award you want to reward the hacker with. You can choose from these options:
Option Details
Amount Mark that you've rewarded the hacker with a specific dollar amount for the vulnerability.
None ( ineligible) The report is ineligible for a bounty. It's best to explain the reasons to hackers in the comments section, why the report is ineligible.
Suggest amount Suggest a bounty amount to award the hacker. Only internal members of your program will be able to view your bounty suggestion.
Swag Mark that you've rewarded the hacker with swag.
  1. Click Set award.
