{{assignee}} |
The user that's assigned to the report. |
{{days_after_report(days)}} |
Provides a date based on the report creation date and the provided argument. {{days_after_report(5)}} will output a date 5 days after the report was created. |
{{details_custom_jira}} |
The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report. These are written in a markdown format customized for Jira. |
{{details_markdown}} |
The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in markdown format. |
{{details_truncated}} |
The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in plain text format. These details are truncated at 4,000 characters. |
{{details}} |
The link, date, reporter, weakness, and description of the vulnerability in the report in plain text format. |
{{due_date(days_from_now)}} |
Provides a date in the future based on the provided argument. Example: {{due_date(5)}} will output a date 5 days from now. |
{{email_local_part}} |
The local part of the email address of the user creating the Jira issue. Note: The local part of an email address is the part before the @ symbol. |
{{email}} |
The email address of the user creating the Jira issue. |
{{escalation_time}} |
The date and time of when the report was escalated to Jira. |
{{jira_severity}} |
The severity of the report in Jira mapping. none converts to 1 and critical converts to 5 . |
{{report_id}} |
The ID of the report. |
{{report_link}} |
The URL of the report. |
{{reporter_link}} |
The URL of the hacker's HackerOne profile. |
{{reporter_name}} |
The name of the hacker that reported the vulnerability. This will fall back to the username if the hacker didn't provide their name. |
{{reporter_username}} |
The username of the hacker that reported the vulnerability. |
{{severity_rating}} |
The severity rating of the report. Possible values: none , low , medium , high , and critical . |
{{submission_date_custom_format}} |
The date the report was created in DD-MM-YYYY format. |
{{submission_date_y_m_d}} |
The date the report was created in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
{{submission_date}} |
The date the report was created in DD/MM/YYYY format. |
{{title}} |
The title of the report. |
{{vulnerability_information}} |
The description of the vulnerability in the report. |
{{weakness}} |
The CWE weakness of the report. |